Friday, August 5, 2016

Two Years Old

Wow, time sure does fly! This year is half way over and I can not believe how fast it went by! With August already in full swing, I realized I never got around to posting Olivia's 2 year old pictures! It feels just like it was yesterday when I was doing her cake bash with my bestie Cherri. This year was a little more laid back when it came to party and pictures. I wanted the session to be very simple and elegant. I didn't want balloons, cake, or a ton of props taking away from Olivia. Cameron and I decided to take her to an open field and let her run wild. This ended up being my favorite pictures of Olivia so far! The wind was so crazy, but I think it made the photos.
Just like last year, I want to write a "letter" to Olivia reminiscing on her second year of life. This way she has something to look back on during these busy and fun times. Enjoy!
Dear Livvy,
Two years down little beanie! You have completely transformed into a full-blown toddler! No more baby ANYTHING with you! You started walking around 16 months old and haven't stopped to think about anything else. Although, you ARE a slow mover. You take your time and are cautious of your surroundings. You LOVE playing with your cousins, especially Michael! Your favorite foods are, Mac N Cheese, any type of fruit(or anything sweet for that matter!), and chicken. You love to drink juice and water. You enjoy coloring... especially on the walls! You also love to color "prettys" on your fingernails and toes (hehe). You are such a sweet toddler. Just today you came over to me and kissed my leg while I was cooking. For no apparent reason might I add. You still enjoy dancing to any type of music and have started singing along to some songs, for example, you yell "GOOO" to "Let It Go". This year seems a lot easier than your first. I have learned to soak in every moment with you. I enjoy being your mommy and I'm a lot more sure of myself than I was last year. Believe it or not, but you teach me something new everyday. I love the time I get to have with you each day. I have made sure to not take that for granted. I'm so blessed that I get to be your mom for forever. Your dad and I love you so very much. This year has been so unforgettable. Thank you for being so patient with us as we continue to learn and grow as parents. Happy birthday beanie, we love you so very much!
Mom xoxo




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